Colin Leek

 Colin Leek commenced his career in Local Government and become interested in pavements in the early 1980s. During his long association with City of Canning, he introduced Insitu Foamed Bitumen Stabilisation into WA, and the use of recycled crushed concrete as a base material. During this time, he studied for a Master degree in Pavement Technology with Deakin University and undertook much research into pavement stabilisation.  Due to his demonstrated interest in research, he was approached to join ARRB in 2008 in pavements research, and in 2010 moved to Curtin University where he undertook lecturing and high-level research into various road pavement activities including the use of plastics in asphalt and the fatigue properties of foamed bitumen as well as supervising PhD students. He now works as a consultant and continues his commitment to the pavement profession by lecturing at UWA and proposing and supervising research projects for final year Engineering projects and PhD level students.
